I've been back in the good ol' city of Brissy for 3 days now and one of the things I'm really gonna miss about being a tourist in Japan is the number of things you can get away with just because you're a tourist [and because we can hehe]. I've compiled a list of the absurd things some, most, or all the people I was with in Japan did while we were there:
1. Took photos with all the typical people you find in Japan [geishas, sumo wrestlers, school kids, samurais, Harajuku girls, cosplayers]
2. Took penis and pissing photos with some of Japan's landmarks
3. Took photos of people who slept weirdly on the train
4. Took photos of funny Engrish signs and funny Jap signs and posters
5. Constantly changed Kal's Facebook and MSN status to really inappropriate things [this is more because we could, not because we were tourists muahahahhahaa]
6. Listened to music out loud in public
7. Sang Linkin Park songs at the top of our lungs while walking back to the hotel quite drunk
8. Sang 'Gee' by Girls Generation at the top of our lungs at karaoke even though the only words everyone could properly sing to was 'Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby'
9. Ninja ran through a busy train station
10. Ninja ran across Shibuya crossing [one of the busiest intersections in the world]
11. Played Big 2 on a busy train using the aisle for the discard pile
12. Played Big 2 sitting on the sidewalk while waiting for a bus
13. Played Big 2 in an onsen
14. Played Big 2 sitting on the floor at Narita airport
15. Played Big 2 and mah jong at coin laundries
16. Played mah jong with 4 people on the top bunk of a bunk bed
17. Constantly yelling out inappropriate Jap words and phrases in public like お元気ですか?['o genki desu ka? which is meant to mean 'How are you?' but stupidly, I told the guys it meant 'How you doing?' and it kept getting brought up as a pick up line >_<"], 気持ち ['kimochi' which means 'It feels good'] and おっぱい ['oppai' which means 'tits' for those of you playing at home]18. Pretending we knew Jap by adding です [desu] at the end of every English phrase or word [e.g. telephone です, bill です, yes です]19. When we didn't know a Jap word or phrase, acting out the word or phrase or by drawing pictures [this is a LOT funnier than what I make it out to be]
20. Paying for things which only cost a few hundred yen [equivalent to less than AU$10] with 10000 yen notes [equivalent to about AU$120]
21. Paying for meals which cost about AU$200 with lots of coins [and by lots, I'm talking about using at least 50 coins ranging from 1 yen to 500 yen]
22. Made up English subtitles for Japanese dramas on TV
23. Created Asian roadblocks in busy places24. Stood on the train in one straight line staring in one direction, then would periodically change directions throughout the train trip
25. Jogged in and out of the train in a straight line
26. Crab walked out of the train in a straight line
27. Ghost walked in a straight line at the train station
28. Trying to bypass people who work at the train station with expired Japan Rail passes
29. Used Japanese pick up lines at the clubs
30. Wore 浴衣 ['yukata', meaning a traditional Japanese robe] and 下駄 ['geta', meaning Japanese sandals] everywhere from the theatre to the restaurant... we even wore them to sleep on some nights!!
I know there's way more to add to the list but we either didn't get around to doing it, we didn't think about doing it or I've just forgotten to write about it here. Feel free to add to the list and I'll have to make sure I do it or the people I'm with do it next time we're in Japan or in another foreign country hehe
On a related note, I wanna thank the group I was with in Japan for most or all of the trip [Go, Charles, Jess, Djay, Steph, Kal and Nick] for making the Japan trip the awesome time it was. It's been a lotta fun bonding with and getting to know you guys, doing all the touristy things, eating great food, sharing millions of jokes and payouts, and you guys know the rest... you were all there with me hehe I look forward to seeing all the photos and vids again and we'll have to have some kinda Japan trip reunion soon!!

I was looking at my blog from 4 years ago [Holy crap, I've been blogging for THAT long now???] and it's funny reading over stuff I've done or things I said back then hehe It also shows how much I've changed and grown up in the last 4 years. It hasn't been an easy process, but now that I look back, I don't think I'd change much, if anything at all. If I did, I know I wouldn't be the person I am today and not to be too full of myself or anything, but I think i cleaned up alright =P
This is me then.
In 2005,
1. I went through phases of being addicted to something. There was a Scratchies phase, reading manga, reciting Russell Peters quotes, going to the casino, the list goes on.
2. I was going through the awkward transition of uni life.
3. I hung out at Replay a lot.
4. I tasted alcohol and went clubbing for the first time. It was what all the cool kids [well, everyone turning 18 at the time] were doing.
5. I rambled on a lot.
6. I got out of my 3ish year relationship. And I realised just how naive I was about the concept of 'love'.
7. I was hooked on TVB dramas. I dunno how I found time to go out.
8. I was always bitching about my finances. Then again, I bitched about a lotta things.
9. I was learning how to drive.
10. Even though some friendships started to blossom at this time, others were really put to the test.
11. My love for coffee started.
12. I started my job at Myer.
This is me now.
In 2009,
1. I still go through phases of being addicted to something. This year has consisted of phases of mah jong, Mrs Field's cookies, DDR, poker, pool, going to concerts, footy tipping, Restaurant City, chai tea from 3 Monkeys, reciting quotes such as 'It don't matter!' and 'BL la!!', Max Brenner and Korean music, just to name a few.
2. I've settled into uni life and now all I wanna do is graduate and get out!!!
3. I hung out at Replay a lot in the first half of the year, then the name changed to Timezone and I rarely go in now.
4. I'm pretty much over the alcohol and clubbing phase. Don't worry, I still drink and I still go clubbing. It's just not really my scene now.
5. I still ramble a lot. But I save it for my blog and for friends that I vent to.
6. I've been single for almost 2 years. And I really think I've forgotten what it feels like to be in a relationship and to care about someone in THAT way. Oh, and the 'love' thing? It's disappeared from my vocabulary. And no, I'm not talking about the love I have for my family and friends or the love I have for material things like my iPod touch, my clothes or my laptop. I'm talking about the word that people seem to use so fast and loosely these days. So if you care to bring that 4 letter word back into my life with any deep meaning it might have left, I put forward the challenge to anyone. I dare you. In fact, I double dare you.
7. I haven't watched a TVB series in so long. But never fear, the obsession shall start again once I'm back from Japan 'cause I'll be too poor to do anything else =P
8. I don't bitch about my finances anymore but I have found many other replacing topics to bitch about.
9. I'm on my opens and sometimes I still feel like I'm learning how to drive.
10. Once again, as it seems to be the case every year since I've started uni, some friendships have really blossomed and others have really been put to the test. The friend slutting has got to stop =(
11. My love for coffee has been cemented and nobody can ever take that away from me. Unless Gloria Jean's decides to close down. Which I hope it never does!!!
12. It's 4 years later and I'm still at a job that I only wanted to be in temporarily. It's gotten to the point where all the nice perks of the job have long gone and all I want to do is find a new job.
So, there we have it. Old school Angie has been revamped into the 2009 Angie you all know and love now. But from reading where I'm currently at, I think I'm due for another revamp. So watch out everyone!! New and improved, smarter and more sophisticated, sassier and classier, that'll be me soon enough =)
Starting to get into the studying groove. I actually want to do half decently this semester [half decently meaning no 4's!!!] so if it seems like I'm MIA, I'm most likely just cooped up at home. Or at uni. Or I've died trying.
Either way, I leave my beloved readers with my 22 quick rants for this month. Good luck to those who have exams!! The light at the end of the tunnel will come soon enough =)
1. I saw a car that had the personalised plate with my initials AND my birth year. Should've stolen it. The plate, not the car. Actually, maybe the car too.
2. Is it so hard to say what you mean and mean what you say?!
3. Say hello to 1 of the Social Directors of BSA for 2010 =P
4. Damn you Warringah!! Should've won *sighs* But congrats to Shocking... thanks to you, I got half my money back!
5. An early congrats to you. And just to let you know, I will literally cry and cry and cry when you leave me =(
6. Practise what you preach. Like seriously.
7. It'd be so funny if we worked out in real life. Like seriously.
8. I really want to play 4 rounds of mah jong now. Or even 8 rounds. Like seriously.
9. Far out, another choice to make.
10. Best wishes in Melbourne. Gonna miss you terribly especially during the Christmas period =(
11. 幸福掌握在你手上...
12. 14 days to go...
13. 21 days to go...
14. Killing me softly with Red Bull, coffee, hundreds of pages of notes, hundreds of pages of legislation and barely any sleep... killing me softly...
15. Frick, 1 more subject than I thought. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
16. Multi-language exam mix ftw =)
18. Must burn off this ever-increasing fat after 15th December.
19. I'm so happy for you and hope that things will work themselves out.
20. Sleep is especially good when the time you're awake is spent studying.
21. Maybe I should move too. Moving's so hot right now.
22. I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart...
Today's Sunday.
I have an exam in 2 days which I'm so not prepared for even though it's an open book exam.
I'm dead tired. Sleeping at 3:30am doesn't help the situation.
My legs are still in pain from the intense workout I had at my hip hop class on Friday night.
I'm supposed to be at a b'day party in a matter of hours. Having an early night there so I can stay up late again and try and not epic fail my Tuesday exam.
Another night buried in the mess that is my study notes.
Tomorrow's Monday.
I only realised yesterday that I'm rostered to work tomorrow from 8:30am - 10pm for stocktake.
There's no way in hell I'm doing that so I bargain the shift to finish at 5pm instead.
And 'cause I'm an idiot, I also pick up a shift on Tuesday from 5pm 'til God knows when.
Gonna have another night of not enough sleep and frantically organising notes and reading, reading, reading.
The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.
I have an exam at 10am which goes for about 1.5 hours.
I then have to rush to court and bore myself for hours on end taking notes for an assignment.
I then have to rush to work and do stocktake again for hours on end.
Seriously FML. =(
I'm so human. It's OK for me to feel this way.
Doesn't it feel much better when you've had a better day than yesterday?
1. There's always two sides to every story.
2. I never realised you were like this. We're like two peas in a pod.
3. It's ghost month. Is this why I feel weird?!
4. I hate the friend balance. You get close to one person but you lose the closeness of another.
5. Sometimes love comes around. And it knocks you down. Just get back up when it knocks you down, knocks you down.
6. Am I waiting for any good reason or am I just playing the fool again?
7. Maybe being sheltered isn't such a bad thing after all.
8. I'm sleepy.
9. You've grown up. I'm so proud of you.
10. I actually miss you. Who would've thought?!
11. And I'll miss you too. The days are counting down...
12. And I also miss you. I miss all the moments and long talks we used to have.
13. Study = death.
14. Too much food and sweets = death.
15. You're the reason I'm getting fatter. Damn you!!!
16. Stop being lost and/or realise your true feelings already!!!
17. Why you? Because sometimes I think you're the only who sees me when I'm invisible.
18. The world keeps getting in the way. With you is where I wanna be. But it just won't let me 'cause it keeps getting in the way.
19. Or maybe I missed my chance. Crap.
20. 3 weeks to go. Holy smoke. Actually, not really.
21. I'm still sleepy.
22. Dance like nobody's watching.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's heaven on earth. - Mark Twain
It's been ages since I've done one of these. Feels good =)
Just a few random notes for this blog...
1. To Taiki: The time you were in Brissy came and went by so quickly!!! I hope you had a blast while you were here 'cause I certainly had fun =) I'm missing you already... but never fear, I'll see you again in Japan in a matter of months... more fun times to be had w00t w00t

3. Mah jong is the new poker. All the cool kids are doing it hehe
4. I'm 22 in less than a month. 26 days to be exact. Not quite sure if the 'responsibility' and 'maturity' has kicked in yet... probably 'cause I'm celebrating my b'day a million times this year =P
5. I'm no longer a mini golfing virgin!!! Came 2nd outta 4 people too... total beginner's luck!!!
6. Torn between catching up on movies, TV series, Asian dramas or study...
7. Been sleeping at ridiculous hours lately. I went to bed at 4:30am twice in the last week and the other nites I've been up way past 1-2am. It's gotta stop!!!
8. 15 more days of winter. You know what that means? SPRING WILL BE WITH US SOON ^__^
9. I have so many weird cravings right now: sushi from Top Sushi, chicken katsu don, a good banana smoothie, Max Brenner waffles, as well as an urge to play pool, sing karaoke and play mah jong.
10. I gotta feeling... that this week's gonna be a good, good week =) I know it's copied from a song but I feel it in my bones. I'm gonna make this a really productive week!!! Catch up on study, go to all my classes, clean out my wardrobe for spring, catch up with a few friends I haven't seen in a while... I can do it!!!
1. My Girl [마이걸]

Starring: Lee Da Hae, Lee Dong Wook, Lee Jun Ki, Park Shi YeonShort and sweet: A girl is hired to be a guy's long lost cousin and they end up falling in love with each other. This sounds really incestuous but remember, they're PRETENDING okies?
I found it incredibly sweet and so good to watch. I was pretty hooked on this series from the beginning and I can see why people thought this was so good. Plus Lee Dong Wook's in it and that's enough reason to watch it if you're a girl XD
Rating: 10/102. A Moment of Romance [天若有情]
Starring: Andy Lau [劉德華], Wu Chien Lien [吳倩蓮]
Short and sweet: A bikie takes a girl hostage during a robbery and through a series of events, the pair fall in love. Don't watch this if you don't like sad endings. And before you kill me for pretty much giving away the ending, doesn't the title of the movie give things away already?
I've watched this movie a million times and even though I cry pretty much every time I watch it, it's just really, really good. The story is good, the acting is good and all the action, drama and romance is to the point. Even though this movie is nearly 20 years old, it's definitely recommended for guys and girls.
Rating: 10/10
3. A Moment of Romance 2 [天若有情 II 之天長地久]
Starring: Aaron Kwok [郭富城], Wu Chien Lien [吳倩蓮]Short and sweet: A bikie saves a girl who's been framed for murder and through a series of events, they fall in love. If you've seen the first movie, it's much of the same thing. Guy meets girl through chance, guy saves girl again and again, guy and girl fall for each other, bad things happen in the end.
This movie doesn't really compare to the first. Andy was really badass in the first movie whilst Aaron's too much of a softie in this one. It's still alright, but just disappointing when compared to the first movie.
Rating: 6.5/10
4. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, a whole bunch of Autobots and Decepticons
Short and sweet: To keep it really short and [not so] sweet, it does not even compare to the first movie. I could waste quite a bit of this blog bitching about how crap this movie was, but I'll just talk about the good points.
The soundtrack is pretty good and the CGI effects [which I'm pretty sure most of the budget was spent on since everything else is pretty messed up] are pretty cool too. Other than that, I'm pretty much ignoring the fact that this film exists in the Transformers series. Good luck with the third one.
Rating: 2/10 [1 for the soundtrack, 1 for the CGI effects]
5. Night at the Museum 2
Starring: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria, Owen Wilson
Short and sweet: Ben Stiller goes to another museum and has all these random adventures with the museum exhibits from the first film. If you've seen the first movie, it's pretty much the same deal.
I quite liked the first movie when I watched it at the cinema and I'm usually pretty skeptical about sequels [see 'A Moment of Romance 2' and 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen']. Surprisingly, this film's just as good as the original. If you didn't like the first film, you won't like this one.
Rating: 8/10
6. Bruno
Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen [whoops, I mean Bruno XD]
Short and sweet: Bruno, a gay fashion reporter, tries to make it big in Hollywood. While trying to do that, he offends a lotta people along the way. If you've seen 'Borat', you'll have an idea of the humour in this movie. It's pretty much the gay version XD
I thoroughly enjoyed 'Borat' when I saw it a few years back and I was expecting this to be good. And it was!! I laughed so much throughout this movie, especially the part where he's promoting his show to the producers. Priceless stuff!! Totally recommended if you're not offended easily but I'm taking 1 off 'cause there's no real memorable quotes like in 'Borat' =(
Rating: 9/10
7. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson
Short and sweet: I didn't really pay proper attention to the movie but from what I gathered, it's about finding out who the Half Blood Prince is, something about Horcruxes, watching Draco Malfoy being emo and creepy and watching the love triangles between Harry-Ginny-Dean and Hermione-Ron-Lavender.
I dunno what to say about this film. According to those who've read the book, the film actually stays pretty true to the book. Having known that, I'm a bit put off reading the book 'cause I found the movie quite boring. It's definitely funny in parts [whether intentional or unintentional] and it's definitely the sussest Harry Potter film so far.
Rating: 6/10 [I'll update it after I read the book]
I know it's been a while. Time to give my blog some much needed love...
Holidays are nearly ending and I'm actually really sad about it. I'll wait 'til the end of the holidays to blog about it since there's still a few events coming up but it's just been really, really, really great and really, really, really fun. Words and photos just can't describe it all.
I have a new celebrity crush: LEE DONG WOOK!!!
OMG, I couldn't stop perving on this guy while watching 'My Girl' and I became all giggly like a schoolgirl every time he had a love scene with Lee Da Hae *sighs* I don't think I've felt like this since seeing Daniel Wu in 'Love Undercover' back in high school hehe
In other news, I OFFICIALLY SUCK AT MAH JONG. I played 2 games of it this week and the 2nd time, I got owned in pretty much every game I played. If I played for money all nite, I'm pretty sure I would've lost all my money. Need practice!!!
Also watched 'Bruno' and 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' recently. I'll review the movies when I'm not half asleep.
Too lazy to update more. Just wanted an excuse to post a pic of Lee Dong Wook *giggles* I wanna marry him and have his babies!!!
It's getting to that time of year.
That time of year when my social life dwindles to pretty much nothing.
That time of year when the only time I get out of the house is to go to uni or go to work.
That time of year when I'm freaking out 'cause I suddenly realise I've done absolutely NO study and I've left everything to the last minute. Again.
That time of year when all my convos with people involve how stressed and/or tired I am.
That time of year when I re-watch my beloved TV shows in a matter of days. This semester, it's The OC. I'm nearly halfway through the series and I still have 27 days 'til I finish exams. Oh crap.
That time of year when I'm sitting on my ass in front of my laptop... even more than usual.
But on the plus side, I'm at home more so that means more home-cooked meals and I save money for Sydney and Japan. Hooray for that!
Hooray for music! I'd be so lost without you.
Hooray for fattening snacks! I know I'm gonna gain 5 kgs after this exam period but I'll DDR it off.
Hooray for Restaurant City on Facebook! I'm probably gonna get sick of this game later on but for now, I love it.
Hooray for my friends on MSN and at uni! Without you guys and your support, I'd never get through it all.
Hooray for my bed! I'm so glad I get to see you at the end of the night, especially if I get to sleep in the next day.
I think I'm going a bit delirious. Can you tell????????
Anyway, back to work. Good luck to those who have upcoming assignments and exams. I'll be praying for you. Pray for me too. We'll get outta this alive.
1. I heart Cloudland!! [although I need to find a really good drink there...]
2. I want those boots. Damn you Betts for finishing your half price boots sale!!! *shakes fist*
3. Anyone know a good phone I can get?
4. Why did I have to ban myself from poker? I could REALLY use the extra cash.
5. I wanna play mah jong again. It's been too long!
6. How can someone be so cute and annoying at the same time???
7. Dentists shouldn't expect to have good conversations with their patients. We've got stuff in our mouth most of the time.
8. Gotta love catchy Asian songs. I could be listening to singers and bands singing about suicide or drugs or lesbians and it wouldn't matter 'cause the songs are so damn addictive to listen to. Plus I have no idea what they're singing about.
9. Anyone know a good laptop I can get?
10. I'm craving milkshakes and smoothies. Frick.
11. I'm also craving pearl tea. Double frick.
12. I'm also craving a really, really nice caramel latte. Frick on a stick with a brick.
13. Thanks for letting me in. It's been a great week of nice, long conversations despite the situation that started it all.
14. I'm not prepared for the winter. Need nice, warm clothes before I freeze to death in Sydney and Japan.
15. 7 outta 8 for footy tipping. A new record!
16. Does someone wanna build me a time machine so I don't have to deal with the 3 assignments and 4 exams coming up in the next month?
17. I really need a manicure.
18. OMG, Lonely Island songs are playing on the radio now!!! It would've been funnier to hear 'Jizz in My Pants' rather than 'I'm on a Boat' though. Oh well.
19. It's nearly 1am. Should probably sleep right about................................... now. After submitting my post of course.
So I've been out and about watching a few movies and I've had my fair share of disappointments and surprises... here's my reviews:
1. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I came into the cinema with the expectation that this movie would be at least half decent. Now that I think about it, it did meet my expectations 'cause the movie only ended up being half decent. Everything leading up to the ending was pretty good but for some stupid reason, everything went downhill as soon as he landed on the island. Some parts of the ending didn't make a whole lotta sense and the final fight scene between Wolverine, Sabretooth and Deadpool was complete epic fail. I'll give props for the scene where Hugh Jackman runs naked across a field and also jumps off a waterfall naked... hot stuff *wink wink* hehe For some reason, I couldn't stop giggling about this scene when I was telling people about it!!! I also give props for the Daniel Negreanu cameo [for the poker fans out there]. Anyway, I reckon this movie was hyped up way too much before it was released. Most will be disappointed.
2. Defiance
This was my surprise movie. I got called to watch this movie at the last minute and I figured I'd give it a chance since Daniel Craig was in it and I like the James Bond movies he's done so far. So after getting into the cinema about 15-20 minutes late, we missed the beginning of the movie so it took a little while to figure out what was going on. Once I did that, I got into the movie. Considering I hadn't even heard of the movie until I got called out to watch it, this movie turned out to be really good. It has a pretty good blend of action, drama and romance and it's not over the top either. On top of that, the guy who plays Sabretooth from 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' is in this movie too and I liked his character way more in this movie. I'm not usually a fan of war movies but I make the occasional exception. I made that exception for 'Life is Beautiful' and I'll make the exception here too. I highly recommend people go out and watch this movie.
3. Red Cliff [赤壁]
I read reviews on this movie before I watched it and it got pretty rave reviews. I'm not usually one to believe all the hype behind a movie 'cause more often than not, it turns out to be a huge disappointment. Not in this case. It's a John Woo film and anyone who knows John Woo knows he can make pretty epic films [except the ones he made in Hollywood, so I've heard]. The addition of Takeshi Kaneshiro [金城 武] and Tony Leung [梁朝偉] made it an even better watch 'cause I've been a long-time fan of both these actors. This was really well-made and I wish I wasn't half asleep when I watched it 'cause I think I might've missed out details here and there which would've helped my understanding of the story better. Make sure you're awake and willing to sit a while 'cause this movie is nearly 2.5 hours long and with the second part, it's around 5 hours long altogether [the movie's split up into 2 parts like 'Kill Bill']. I can't wait to watch how this ends. To be continued...
I'm lovin' it...
=) Chai tea from 3 Monkeys
=) Spontaneous outings with friends
=) Upcoming Sydney trip
=) Upcoming Jay Chou concert
=) Upcoming David Copperfield show
=) Wearing my boots again
=) Long, hot showers
I'm not so lovin' it...
=( Civil mid-sem on Sat
=( No good nite's sleep until Sat nite
=( Maxed out credit card
=( People owing me money
=( Saying goodbye to my old email
=( Waking up early in the morning for stupid reasons like uni or work
=( Civil mid-sem on Sat [I doubly hate it!!]