Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Catharsis 22 - November

Starting to get into the studying groove. I actually want to do half decently this semester [half decently meaning no 4's!!!] so if it seems like I'm MIA, I'm most likely just cooped up at home. Or at uni. Or I've died trying.

Either way, I leave my beloved readers with my 22 quick rants for this month. Good luck to those who have exams!! The light at the end of the tunnel will come soon enough =)

1. I saw a car that had the personalised plate with my initials AND my birth year. Should've stolen it. The plate, not the car. Actually, maybe the car too.
Is it so hard to say what you mean and mean what you say?!
3. Say hello to 1 of the Social Directors of BSA for 2010 =P
4. Damn you Warringah!! Should've won *sighs* But congrats to Shocking... thanks to you, I got half my money back!
5. An early congrats to you. And just to let you know, I will literally cry and cry and cry when you leave me =(
6. Practise what you preach. Like seriously.
7. It'd be so funny if we worked out in real life. Like seriously.
8. I really want to play 4 rounds of mah jong now. Or even 8 rounds. Like seriously.
9. Far out, another choice to make.
10. Best wishes in Melbourne. Gonna miss you terribly especially during the Christmas period =(
11. 幸福掌握在你手上...
12. 14 days to go...
13. 21 days to go...
14. Killing me softly with Red Bull, coffee, hundreds of pages of notes, hundreds of pages of legislation and barely any sleep... killing me softly...
15. Frick, 1 more subject than I thought. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
16. Multi-language exam mix ftw =)
18. Must burn off this ever-increasing fat after 15th December.
19. I'm so happy for you and hope that things will work themselves out.
20. Sleep is especially good when the time you're awake is spent studying.
21. Maybe I should move too. Moving's so hot right now.
22. I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart...

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