1. To Taiki: The time you were in Brissy came and went by so quickly!!! I hope you had a blast while you were here 'cause I certainly had fun =) I'm missing you already... but never fear, I'll see you again in Japan in a matter of months... more fun times to be had w00t w00t

3. Mah jong is the new poker. All the cool kids are doing it hehe
4. I'm 22 in less than a month. 26 days to be exact. Not quite sure if the 'responsibility' and 'maturity' has kicked in yet... probably 'cause I'm celebrating my b'day a million times this year =P
5. I'm no longer a mini golfing virgin!!! Came 2nd outta 4 people too... total beginner's luck!!!
6. Torn between catching up on movies, TV series, Asian dramas or study...
7. Been sleeping at ridiculous hours lately. I went to bed at 4:30am twice in the last week and the other nites I've been up way past 1-2am. It's gotta stop!!!
8. 15 more days of winter. You know what that means? SPRING WILL BE WITH US SOON ^__^
9. I have so many weird cravings right now: sushi from Top Sushi, chicken katsu don, a good banana smoothie, Max Brenner waffles, as well as an urge to play pool, sing karaoke and play mah jong.
10. I gotta feeling... that this week's gonna be a good, good week =) I know it's copied from a song but I feel it in my bones. I'm gonna make this a really productive week!!! Catch up on study, go to all my classes, clean out my wardrobe for spring, catch up with a few friends I haven't seen in a while... I can do it!!!
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