Sunday, August 30, 2009

I want it to be Wednesday now!!!

Today's Sunday.
I have an exam in 2 days which I'm so not prepared for even though it's an open book exam.
I'm dead tired. Sleeping at 3:30am doesn't help the situation.
My legs are still in pain from the intense workout I had at my hip hop class on Friday night.
I'm supposed to be at a b'day party in a matter of hours. Having an early night there so I can stay up late again and try and not epic fail my Tuesday exam.
Another night buried in the mess that is my study notes.

Tomorrow's Monday.
I only realised yesterday that I'm rostered to work tomorrow from 8:30am - 10pm for stocktake.
There's no way in hell I'm doing that so I bargain the shift to finish at 5pm instead.
And 'cause I'm an idiot, I also pick up a shift on Tuesday from 5pm 'til God knows when.
Gonna have another night of not enough sleep and frantically organising notes and reading, reading, reading.

The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.
I have an exam at 10am which goes for about 1.5 hours.
I then have to rush to court and bore myself for hours on end taking notes for an assignment.
I then have to rush to work and do stocktake again for hours on end.

Seriously FML. =(

I'm so human. It's OK for me to feel this way.

Doesn't it feel much better when you've had a better day than yesterday?

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