Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The year that was 2008...
~ i went on holz with CC... can't believe we never did this earlier!! 1 more month 'til our next trip =)
~ i won an APL tournament!! about freakin' time...
~ i went to a strip club XD
~ i also drove a friend's car... and considering i don't drive much, it's a big risk =P
~ i tried a Long Island Iced Tea and a Jager Bomb... they're both nice hehe
~ i turned 21!!
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
i didn't make resolutions this yr... instead, i made a list of things i wanted to do b4 i turned 21 and i didn't do most of them unfortunately =( i don't think i'll make any resolutions next yr... i never keep them >_<"
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
4. Did anyone close to you die?
yeah and i miss her heaps =(
5. What countries did you visit?
didn't go overseas this yr =(
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
~ a new job
~ an overseas holiday
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
~ 25th Jan - the day my circle of friends started to change
~ 5th to 8th Feb - my Gold Coast holiday with CC
~ 5th July - APL State finals and Ketty's 22nd party
~ 2nd August - the day my 婆婆 passed away
~ 13th Sept - my 21st b'day
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
i didn't really achieve much hey... but i did manage to stay single for a whole calendar yr... i know the yr hasn't finished yet but i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna find a bf in a week hehe
9. What was your biggest failure?
being really, really slack in my studies last sem and although i didn't fail anything, i still felt like i failed as a person =(
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
i got sick but it was nothing too serious... no serious injuries either
11. What was the best thing you bought?
my Pandora bracelet and my iPod touch s2
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
everyone who graduated this yr and found full-time jobs... well done =)
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
don't really wanna say here
14. Where did most of your money go?
b'day pressies and food
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
to be honest, i wasn't really, really, really excited about anything in particular this yr... maybe i should be really, really, really excited about the fact that 2008 is about to end!!
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
Miss Independent - Ne-Yo
Low - Flo Rida feat. T-Pain
Temperature - Sean Paul
there's more but i cbb thinking =P
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? slightly happier
ii. thinner or fatter? maybe slightly fatter...
iii. richer or poorer? i'd love to say richer but i think i'm even
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
i wish i'd read more books... it's one of my fave pasttimes and i hardly do it now =( i also wish i studied more... i really crashed and burned last sem =(
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
procrastinating for sure!!
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
dunno... probably a quiet day with the family
22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favorite TV program?
in terms of new shows, Gossip Girl
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
nope, i don't hate pplz
26. What was the best book you read?
'The Facebook book'... i didn't read a whole lot this yr =(
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Muse... i know they've been around for a while but their music's pretty good... Jason Mraz isn't too bad either
28. What did you want and get?
a new digicam, Pandora bracelet, a new watch, iPod touch
29. What did you want and not get?
a new phone and a new job
30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Dark Knight and Wall-e
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
for my 21st, i had lunch with my family, then went to watch the guys play soccer, ate dinner at Sizzlers, went to the casino and went to a strip club with my nearest and dearest friends XD
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
emotional stability would've been great!!!
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
ummm... black with a dash of colour XD
34. What kept you sane?
my family and friends
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
i don't think i fancied anyone... maybe the guy who plays Edward Cullen in 'Twilight'? hehe
36. What political issue stirred you the most?
don't like to get too caught up with world politics... and not that it stirred me too much, but i'm glad Obama won the presidential election =)
37. Who did you miss?
i miss all the pplz who went overseas =(
38. Who was the best new person you met?
i'd have to say the s601 crowd... u guys crack me up hehe
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
build a bridge and get over it
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
'And this girl's seen a lot of pain
But this girl's gonna smile again
She knows that a flower grows everytime it rains
And this girl's got a lot of dreams
She knows that tomorrow ain't what it seems
She might not solve a mystery tonight
But this girl's gonna be alright...'
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Apple bottom jeans XD
A towel XD
Alarm didn't go off
Monday, November 17, 2008
Things I wanna do these holidays:
2. try 3 new alcoholic drinks
3. go to a trivia nite
4. find a new job
5. clean up my room
6. re-organise my room
7. read 3 books
8. find a good pair of jeans
9. lose 2 kgs
10. watch 3 new movies
if i can get that much done in less than 4 months, i'll be overjoyed ^__^
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Quiz time...
Angela, but Angie/Ange is preferred
2. Were you named after anyone?
not that i know of... my English name just has the same meaning as my Chinese name
3. Do you wish on stars?
nope... i used to when i was younger
4. When did you last cry?
on Thurs
5. Do you like your handwriting?
depends what i'm using to write...
6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
chicken ftw =)
7. What is your birth date?
September 13th 1987
8. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with yourself?
sure, why not?! hehe
9. Are you a daredevil?
yeah, if the opportunity calls for it...
10. Have you told a secret you swore not to tell?
yeah =(
11. Do looks matter?
they matter, but it's the whole package that REALLY counts
12. How do you release your anger?
i bitch to whoever will listen... i listen to music... i sleep on it...
13. Where is your second home?
depending on who u ask, pplz will either say s601, Replay or the casino =P
14. Do you trust others easily?
depends on the person... these days, i have severe trust issues
15. What was your favorite toy as a child?
i don't think i had a particular fave... i had heaps of toys which i loved equally ^_^
16. What class in high school do you think was totally useless?
religion... but i did enjoy the meditation sessions hehe
17. Do you have a journal?
this is probably the closest to a journal that i have now...
18. Do you use sarcasm?
sometimes... depends who i'm with
19. Nicknames?
just Angie and Ange these days... my other nicks got phased out =(
20. Would you bungee jump?
hell yeah!! i'd probably be pissing myself b4hand though hehe
21. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
nope, i'm so lazy...
22. Do you think that you are strong?
i doubt it...
23. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
mint choc chip
24. Shoe size?
7-8 mostly... although i can wear anything from 6.5-9
25. Red/pink?
red for sure!!
26. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
omg, don't get me started...
27. Who do you miss most?
nobody in particular... it's more that i miss how some of my friends used to be...
28. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back?
not sending this to anyone...
29. What color pants are you wearing?
i'm wearing a black miniskirt hehe
30. What are you listening to right now?
Lottery - Chris Brown
31. What was the last thing you ate?
32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
a nice shade of green... or black
33. What is the weather right now?
not too hot, not too cold...
34. Last person you talked to on the phone?
my Dad
35. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their face...
36. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
i didn't get sent this hehe
37. Favorite drink (alcoholic/non-alcoholic)?
non-alco ~ lemon lime bitters, caramel latte, pearl milk tea
alco ~ daiquiris, Absolut Cut, vodka and Red Bull, Long Island Iced Tea
38. Favorite sport(S)?
to play ~ badminton
to watch ~ rugby league
39. Hair color?
black with mostly red/brown foils and traces of copper and maybe violet?
40. Eye color?
dark brown
41. Do you wear contacts?
nope, i'm one of the very rare azns with 20/20 vision hehe nahz, i doubt i have 20/20 vision...
42. Name of pet?
i attempted to name my goldfish but i can't remember their names now...
43. Name of favorite childhood pet?
44. Last movie that you watched?
i was switching between Wedding Planner and Scary Movie 4 'cause they were both on TV
45. Scary Movies or Happy?
happy for sure!!
46. Summer or winter?
probably summer... i don't cope very well in the cold
47. Hugs or Kisses?
depends who it's from hehe hugs r always appreciated but kisses r more spesh
48. Who is most likely to respond?
pplz who like quizzes and procrastinating...
49. Who is least likely to respond?
pplz who aren't reading this...
50. Living arrangements?
living with the parentals atm... considering temporarily moving out soonish
51. What books are you reading?
was reading 'The Definitive Book of Body Language' but gotta put that on hold to read textbooks and notes and more notes =(
52. What is on your mouse pad?
don't have one
53. What did you watch on TV last night?
didn't watch TV 'cause i was at the Chris Brown/Rihanna concert =) i was watching their screens though hehe
54. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
probably Beatles... i actually know some of their songs hehe
55. What’s the farthest you have been from home?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Catharsis 21 - October
2. guys don't have any sense of intuition >_<"
3. this is a nightmare exam period =(
4. hardly any sleep and cramming make Angie a very, very cranky girl...
5. bear with me... it's just not a good time atm...
6. i s2 iPod Touch ^__^
7. i wish i could stop being a bitter, old hag...
8. i wish i was more organised...
9. i wish i was a better friend...
10. i wish i could fill my heart with love rather than anger, bitterness and resentment...
11. don't talk to me if u only wanna fill in time...
12. Korean ice-cream is awesome!!!
13. procrastination brings out the worst in me *sighs*
14. i can't handle it all!!
15. i'm always looking out for u... even if i don't say it...
16. i hope u're doing okies... he's not worth the heartache...
17. why r my dreams so much better than reality?!
18. the wall is only getting bigger and stronger...
19. i must be a better person... inside and out!!!
20. blah, blah, blah... it's all the same crap over and over again...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me...
and u know what? i've completely wasted my sem so far doing stuff i shouldn't have been doing...
so what have i got to show for it?
1. quite a big credit card bill
2. a LOT of classes i have to catch up on b4 SWOTVAC
3. an even messier room
but thinking positively, i've had some great times and great convos with some great friends so i shouldn't complain all that much hehe
a thought just occurred to me... this week has been all about cars!! i've heard 4 stories so far about cars in the following order:
1. a friend of mine got into their 2nd accident this yr...
2. a friend of mine got a brand new car...
3. a friend of mine is getting a new car thanks to their bro...
4. a friend of mine's car died on them tonite...
i've been inspired to take up reading again and my current read is 'The Facebook Book'... thanks to Anna for the lovely b'day pressie hehe it's a pretty funni read... i'd probably understand more if i was American but meh, it has its moments... i hope i can finish reading it tonite!!
another thing i've gotten back into is 'Balls of Steel'... was watching it on TV tonite and it's funni as hell... i'm usually not a fan of British humour but this is hilarious... and i thought Chasers was pretty hardcore with their pranks... personal faves r the Militant Black Guy and Alex Zane's game shows =)
okies, i'll stop being random now... i think it's all the coffee i've drank or all the food i ate... i've gained weight again >_<"
oh yeah, for those who r wondering about the title of the blog... it's just a reference to 'Real World' by Matchbox Twenty... been listening to their album lately =P
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My busy, busy week...
~ hung out with Ketty at the City
~ went to class
~ watched Wall-e and had ice cream with Cam at Southbank
Thurs 25/9
~ hung out and karaoked with Ketty and Leana at the City
~ worked at nite
Fri 26/9
~ went pressie shopping
~ hung out with Chi, Jason, Sandy, Jess and Khoi throughout the nite
Sat 27/9
~ worked all day
~ went to Ruby's 21st
~ bummed at the City with Ketty, Chi and Jason
Sun 28/9
~ had lunch and karaoked with Ketty and Chi
~ watched Wall-e [again] with GY at Indro
Mon 29/9
~ went to BSA yum cha
~ bummed around Sunnybank then the City
~ went to the casino with Khoi and Ketty
~ went to Wu's 21st
~ played games at Replay with Ketty, Chi, Jason and Khoi
Tues 30/9
~ planning to play poker tonite with Khoi and possibly Ketty
it doesn't sound like much when u dot point everything but freakin' hell... being out every day is exhausting and drains out so much of ur money!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What do u do...
+ when it all gets too hard?
+ when u've forgotten the last time u were truly happy?
+ when u dunno how to fix things?
+ when u want to turn to ur support network but can't?
i don't just want someone to tell me it's all gonna be okies... there needs to be proof...
pplz rely too much on the words of other pplz... and i've made that mistake too many times...
one lesson that i'll never forget: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Catharsis 21 - September
2. tell me it's real... this feeling that i [might] feel...
3. i'm never planning anything again >_<"
4. the true colours r starting to show...
5. innocence is truly bliss...
6. what's the point? u're never gonna see me in that way...
7. give me a change in scenery... please!!!
8. Wall-e and Eve forever s2
9. so much to do, so little time...
10. actions speak a LOT louder than words...
11. let's go clubbing... for old time's sake =)
12. thanks for letting me get stuff outta my system...
13. i hate bottling certain things up... but i can't help it =(
14. maybe i do need a change in perspective...
15. is this what i want or am i just dreaming about it?
16. sometimes i wish it was more than it was... or maybe i don't...
17. i'm disappointed in u sometimes... u're not who i thought u were...
18. don't just say stuff that i wanna hear...
19. why aren't there more pplz like u around?
20. sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep!!!
21. take me back to when i was truly happy...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Just some thoughts...
i was sitting by the UQ lakes on Tues when i thought about this blog so pretty much what i'm typing in italics is from my thoughts on Tues... here goes...
i currently have 'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls on repeat on my iPod and i think it reflects my mood quite perfectly...
And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am...
i got dragged outta my house at 1am last nite to take a walk around the lake and i swear, there's something about being around water that gets me all reflective... or maybe it's the company... then again, i'm sitting by the UQ lakes as i write this so i think it's just the water hehe
a lotta things were brought up during this walk, one of which was my current state of mind... i got asked whether i believed in fate/destiny and i replied by saying that i didn't... that sorta set the rest of my convo in motion... do i just follow what everybody else thinks? am i that easy to manipulate? i've always been one to take everyone else's thoughts into consideration, but did i lose my own thoughts, my own point of view along the way?
it's kinda depressing when u don't believe in anything anymore... i've always been a bit of a cynic when it comes to some things but when it gets to the point where u feel like there's not much hope in anything, then that's a real worry...
*sighs* i hate the complexities of life... i reckon the happiest pplz r those who live the simple life or have a good support network that help them get through the highs and lows... since i'll never think of life as being a simple construct, i'll aim for the latter...
find out what i believe in...
find out what makes me happy...
then i'll build a bridge and get over my insecurities...
i'll be strong [at least emotionally]...
and i'll finally be happy... not 'cause i have to be but 'cause i want to be =)
i'd write more here but i'm getting sleepy... i'll write the rest of my thoughts later
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Last rant about August
u've been a horrible, horrible month August... i hope i never experience a month like this ever again =(
i know i've had my fair share of good times as well but i can't help but feel like i've been a bit of a wreck during August...
may September and the new season bring better days...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Catharsis 21 - August
2. spring is [nearly] here!! ^__^
3. if only i could turn back time... if only i had said what i still hide...
4. i'm sorry i'm not a better friend to u... u treat me so well =(
5. back to the gym!! need to get [somewhat] fit again!!!
6. 'sometimes people play hard to get because they need to know the other person's feelings are real'
7. i want Sushi Train, Sizzler's, Freestyle, Pane e Vino and Food Fantasy so badly =(
8. sometimes, sometimes, sometimes... i get lonely too...
9. why do feelings have to be so freakin' complicated?!
10. somebody give me a good surprise... it's been too long!!
11. i should stop trying to live in fantasy world...
12. OMG... less than 3 weeks left...
13. where's the motivation?
14. where did it all go?
15. i hope someone better comes along... u deserve it =)
16. u're gonna end up a forgotten memory to me one day...
17. why don't the good things ever stay the same?
18. u're still my sunshine after the rain =)
19. i need an image makeover... starting next month!!!
20. i want so many new things...
21. stop procrastinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wake me up when August ends...
i wanted to say a special thank u to Kev for driving me to the hospital, coming to the funeral and continually checking up on me to make sure i was okies and also to Ketty who was there for me during the day of the funeral, as well as everyone else who offered support and their condolences... it was very much appreciated and really helped me through this hard time =)
another sad thing to happen this month was having to farewell Taiki, who left for Japan yesterday... i've known this guy for quite a while and we've had a lotta good times together... all the times we hung out at uni, at friends' places, at each other's places, pplz's parties, each other's parties, went clubbing together, will be sorely missed =( i'm sorry i didn't get to see u on ur last day in Brissy but i hope u had a safe flight to Japan and best of luck at ur new job... i'll try and visit as soon as i can =)
it's nearly the end of August now and things r starting to look up... many things to look forward to:
1. Law Revue!! still haven't decided which day to go yet...
2. Andy's 21st... still haven't decided what to wear =S
3. the end of winter [FINALLY!!!]
4. planning my 21st!! although that's gonna be a lotta hard work *sighs*
okies, really need to get back to work... i have an assignment due tomorrow at 2pm >_<"
Monday, July 28, 2008
Quiz madness!!!
Did you kiss someone before you were 16?
Have you ever kissed someone 21 years old or older?
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
around pplz i'm not close to, it's easy... maybe not so much around my close friends
Do you wave when you see people you know?
yeah, unless i'm in a hurry to go somewhere... but i usually acknowledge pplz with at least a smile
Last 3 people to text you?
Cameron, Shumin and Kev
Who did you last have a sleepover with?
CC and Chi... only last Sat nite hehe
Is your best friend drop dead sexy?
i don't technically have a best friend but my close friends r all sexy hehe
Are you afraid of falling in love?
Is there someone that popped in your mind after that question?
not really... i haven't gotten to that point yet
Can you braid hair?
yeah, sorta... but my hair's hard to braid properly 'cause it's layered >_<"
Do you drink Red Bull or any other energy drink on a regular basis?
i drink Red Bull but not so regularly now i'm not at poker so much hehe
Did you date anyone this past summer?
i was dating someone when it was summer but that's over now
Do you hate being alone?
these days, i actually like being alone... but i can't do it for a long period of time
How do you feel about the person that you've become?
i think i've turned out alrite... i've become more realistic about my approach towards friends, love and life in general... it's definitely made me more cynical but at the same time, i'm not letting my bad experiences ruin what i have now and what i can have in the future
Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with?
i wouldn't say i hate him, but i don't think i could ever be friends with him again... it's just too hard...
Have you ever been out past curfew?
technically, i don't really have a curfew but there's been numerous occasions where i've been out later than what my p's saw as a reasonable time to come home
Have you ever told someone you like them?
Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
i don't usually carry an umbrella with me 'cause all the umbrellas at home r pretty dodgy... i'm a hoodie girl =)
Do you get along with girls?
of course... i went to an all girls' high school hehe
Have you ever been in trouble with the cops?
Did you know that peeling a wrapper off of a bottle means your sexually frustrated?
wtf?! hehe
Name something you have in common with all of your siblings?
we both love music and rebelling against Mum and Dad hehe
Who is the last person who wrote a letter to you on paper?
OMG... i have no idea hey... maybe CC back in high school? hehe
What was your first job?
waitressing for my p's at our old restaurant
What color is your favorite hoodie?
atm, it's my grey one
Name a sound that disturbs you?
the Chinese opera that Dad likes to crank up in the house >_<"
What did you do today?
woke up...helped mum n daddy get ready for guests to arrive!
What did you do last night?
had Korean BBQ with friends at Han Woo Ri then went to Cam's place to play poker with the guys
Do you have a cell-phone?
yeah, it's getting a little old though...
Are you emotional?
sometimes... depends what's on my mind and what's happening in my life
Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
i'm pretty sure i have but i have a pretty shocking memory when it comes to remembering my dreams
Name a song that makes you happy?
atm, i'm liking "Forever" by Chris Brown
Do you use chapstick?
hell yeah!! it's so good during winter... damn dry lips *shakes first*
If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you?
i'd definitely try my best
What was the most recent thing you bought?
i bought a Cooper St dress during work... originally $139, bought it for $38ish hehe
What is on your refrigerator door?
random fridge magnets
Name something you have to do tomorrow?
uni from 8am - 5pm *sighs* and possibly poker at nite if i'm not tired as...
What was the last movie you watched?
Dark Knight... OMG, what an awesome movie!!!
Do any of your friends have children?
i know pplz who have kids but i'm not particularly close to them
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
choc milk...
When was the last time you had Starbucks?
quite a while ago... i'm not the biggest Starbucks fan
Can you whistle?
Do you have a trampoline at your house?
nope =(
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
i don't think i'm THAT adventurous hehe
Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?
i could probably do a really retarded one
What are you wearing?
my PJ's, jacket and socks... and underwear of course hehe
What was the last thing you ate?
buffet at Blackjacks... *drools* very good free buffet hehe
Do you take pills of any sort?
yeah, THE Pill hehe
When was the last time you did the dishes?
on Sat nite at CC's place
How much sleep did you get last night?
about 7 hrs... it's not enough =(
Do you own any band t-shirts?
Last song you sang outloud?
Elevator - Flo Rida feat. Timbaland... that song is addictive!!
When was the last time you slept on the floor?
it's been a while now since Dave moved apartments hehe
Would you chew gum that's already been chewed b4?
that's gross...
Who have you talked to today?
lotsa customers and workmates at Myer, Kev, Cam, my p's, some rellies and family friends and now chatting to Shumin and Ketty on MSN
FACT: about the person you like?
that's for me to know and u to find out =)
WHAT: happened at 11:00 am today?
i was working >_<"
ARE YOU: wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
nope... i hardly ever borrow pplz's clothes... i have so much of my own clothes hehe
NAME: someone whose name starts with the letter "C"
CC!! most obvious name hehe
DO YOU: plan on moving in the next year?
not really... i'm a poor uni student =(
WHO: took your profile picture?
the pic on my blog was self-taken with my laptop webcam
WHATS: your current problem?
how am i gonna organise myself this sem!?
LAST: person to lay in your bed?
me of course... although lately, more pplz have been there... nothing suss hehe
WHO WAS: the last person you saw?
my p's
DO YOU: crack your knuckles?
HAVE YOU: cried today at all?
ARE YOU: ticklish?
yeah, it's so bad >_<"
ARE YOU: happy right now?
i'd say i'm content atm... that's close enough to happy for me =)
WHO WAS: the last person you talked to 2 nights ago before bed?
CC and Chi
WILL YOU: be driving in a year?
i hope so... haven't done it a lot this yr hehe
HAVE YOU MADE: a mistake this past week?
i don't think so...
DO YOU: miss someone?
yeah, i kinda do =(
WHEN WAS: the last time you really laughed?
probably Sat nite at CC's place... playing board games is always bound to bring some sorta laughter =)
HOW LONG: is your hair?
it's actually the length i want it to be... which means i might have to get it cut soon
DID YOU: have a nap today?
nope, didn't have time =( but going to sleep soon and that's even better than a nap hehe
HAVE ANY: regrets?
i wouldn't say i have regrets but there r things i could've done or said better at the time
DO YOU USE: an alarm clock?
sometimes... when i'm forced to wake up early!!!
DO YOU: work?
yeah, same old place...
ARE YOU: social or antisocial person?
in general, i'm pretty social but there r times when i can be quite anti-social
WHO WAS THE LAST: person to disappoint you?
i'm not gonna name them here...
not a lotta pplz... pretty much just a few close friends plus my family
listening to music, doing this quiz and chatting on MSN
WHAT WERE YOU DOING at 5 in the morning?
sleeping deeply
DO YOU: drink tea?
yeah, but i prefer to drink coffee
WOULD YOU: ever dye your hair blonde?
i'd only have blonde foils
WHO WAS: the last person to call you?
WHAT IS: the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
DID YOU: sing at all today?
LAST: text from?
What song is stuck in your head?
"Forever" - Chris Brown and "See You Again" - Miley Cyrus
Wanna have kids before you're 30?:
dunno yet
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?:
i'm pretty sure i fall asleep when i'm sleeping on my side
What gets in your way of your sleeping?:
too many thoughts, cold weather, hot weather, random phone calls or SMSs, my alarm or in the case of Sat nite, no space to toss and turn hehe
Are your eyes the same colour as your mum's or dad's?:
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?:
i honestly can't remember =P
How do you prevent anger?:
i distract myself, listen to music, sleep, talk to friends, shop
Do you think too much or too little?:
too much for my own good
Do you smile a lot?:
yeah... for a cynic, it actually doesn't take much to make me smile =)
Who was the last person you cried in front of?:
nobody... i was on the phone when i last cried
Are you happy with your life?:
i can't complain too much about it
Can you handle the truth?:
yeah... for good or bad, everybody has their reasons for thinking the way they do
Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?:
nope, but that's totally my fault
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?:
of course not
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?:
exactly what i'm doing now hehe
Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?:
probably my sis... or maybe one of my friends slipped it in a convo?
Did you have an exciting last weekend?:
yeah, it was a pretty fun, eventful weekend =)
Are you wearing a necklace?:
not atm... but normally i do
Do you cry a lot?:
i wouldn't say a lot but i do cry every now and then
What's something that can always make you feel better?:
listening to music and sleep
Will this weekend be a good one?:
not sure... i don't have plans atm
What do you want right now?:
i wanna go to sleep... i'm so gonna do that once i finish this quiz...
Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?:
hehe yeah
Look behind you, what do you see?:
a big mess =(
Have you ever worked in a food place?:
yeah... never going back!!!
What would you name your future daughter?:
not sure yet... i'll think about it if i have one
The last thing you heard?:
my music
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Catharsis 21 - July
2. please let me get through this semester!!!
3. gotta stop being such a drama queen...
4. life doesn't make sense... bad things happen to good pplz and good things happen to bad pplz?!
5. stop being lazy and start planning dammit!!!
6. is this the beginning of something or just another phase?
7. thanks for listening to me... it was good timing =)
8. only 4 down so far... how depressing *sighs*
9. why do i still hold this grudge?
10. i'm glad i found u again... u always were my best distraction from reality =)
11. i am in dire need of a holiday... a long, long holiday...
12. gotta stop building invisible walls for myself...
13. it must be a sentimental time of the yr for everyone...
14. stop coming back to haunt me... haven't u hurt me enough?!
15. why so serious? good question Joker...
16. i wanna talk but i dunno what to say...
17. i wanna be emotional but i dunno how i feel...
18. thanks for all u've done for me... sometimes i think u're too good to be true...
19. things will be better... i promise u my kindred spirit =)
20. don't look back... only look at what's in front of u...
21. And this girl has seen a lot of pain
But this girl's gonna smile again
She knows that a flower grows every time it rains
And this girl's got a lot of dreams
She knows that tomorrow ain't what it seems
She might not solve a mystery tonight
But this girl's gonna be alright...
btw, HAPPY 21ST B'DAY CC!!! i'd write an overlong, sentimental msg here but i'll save it for when i see u hehe loveuheaps *hugglez and muahz*
Thursday, July 10, 2008
1. sometimes the littlest things u say can have the biggest impact on pplz
2. family is the only aspect of ur life that remains constant... which is probably why so many pplz [like me] take them for granted
3. i've spent pretty much all of this yr so far trying to live in the past... pplz change and circumstances change and i'm finally learning to build a bridge and get over my past insecurities
4. i really, really miss reading...
and the biggest lesson i've learnt?
5. u can never finish getting to know someone... no matter how well u think u know them
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Some belated congrats and farewell msgs...
2. to my dearest poker pro Willeh ~ i'm soooooooooo excited and happy for u that u're officially part of the WSOP circuit... i really hope u do well and make the most of this awesome experience... call me when u become the next WSOP winner =)
3. to my dearest bitches [i mean, poker buddies hehe] Cam and Alex ~ all i can say is, STATE CHAMPS BABY!! w00t w00t hehe i'm happy all of us got in instead of some certain individuals =P let's kick some ass next Sat ^___^
4. to my dearest guy friend of all guy friends GY ~ congrats on the new job at Rio Tinto... i got so excited for u when i found out u got the job and what ur starting salary may be... "hello Mr GY" *wink wink* hehe and best of luck on the "other" thing too =)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Catharsis 21 - June
2. is it so hard to find a guy who has depth?!
3. something or someone is holding me back...
4. please let me pass... please let me pass...
5. start saving and stop spending!!!
6. between us i feel this undeniable thing... but what is it???
7. it's been short and sweet so far but i'll still miss u...
8. why does my past keep coming back to haunt me >_<"
9. i think i'm letting u slip away... 'cause it's just not the same...
10. please stop the talking... u're only driving everyone further away...
11. am i the "friend" u're talking about?
12. i want a cute puppy or kitten to look after now...
13. since when did the rules of attraction become so complicated?!
14. what's the point of getting close to someone when they're just gonna leave u newayz? =(
15. gotta stop resorting to chocolate...
16. somebody distract me from my thoughts!!!
17. listening to boy bands reminds me of a much simpler time...
18. u're one in a million... dunno what i'd do without u =)
19. u're also one in a million... ur randomness astounds me hehe
20. there's gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me...
21. i must enjoy my holz... stop worrying about everything *sighs*
Monday, June 9, 2008
Have you ever... ???
Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?
Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had but that other person was too afraid to let you?
Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
so what's with the title of my blog? for those who can't read Chinese, basically the title means "ladies and gentlemen... four 7's!!!" as far as i know, this phrase is meant to be a motivation for one of my law friends... and if she's reading this, i know she's capable of achieving that this sem... she's a very, very smart girl!!! should be a motivation for me too but i'm not smart enough to do THAT well with my subs even though i'm doing decently so far this sem...
u know what that phrase in the title of my blog reminds me of? if anyone's ever seen 賭俠, there's a scene where 周星馳 and 吳孟達 go to see 劉德華 to show off 周星馳's special skills... after seeing 劉德華 carve out 4 aces with a knife, 周星馳 reaches into the pocket of 吳孟達 and announces: "各位觀眾... 五條烟!" and instead of pulling out 5 aces, he pulls out 5 cigarettes XD for those of u who don't get the joke, the character for "aces" and "cigarettes" is exactly the same and is also pronounced the same... it's a freakin' hilarious scene hehe
okies, i have no idea what the point of this blog was... just procrastinating i guess hehe best of luck to everyone for exams... 加油!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I miss my girls...
what i wanna talk about in this blog is that i've noticed lately that i've been spending a lot more time with my guy friends... it's not exactly strange territory hanging out with guys 'cause i do have my fair share of guy friends but i'm not really used to hanging out with such an array of guy friends... and b4 pplz start jumping to conclusions, i'm not dating any of these guys... i'm only a little concerned now 'cause i reckon they have a bit of an influence on me and i wanna retain as much girliness as possible hehe
i got a little sentimental and was looking through some old photos on my comp... i used to hang out with my girls all the time and now, it seems like i'm reduced to seeing them at b'day parties or just bumping into them... i really miss u all... we have to organise some kinda girls nite out sometime this holz... or we can make it a cozy thing and just catch up in a small group or 1 on 1 over dinner and/or coffee... either way, i'm making the plea to my girlfriends to find some time to catch up with me... i'm totally up for it... the guys can be easily ditched hehe [to my guy friends reading this, u know i'm j/k... i love ur company =P]

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Catharsis 21 - May
1. i'm a single girl living in a couples' world...
2. why do i always want what i can't have?!
3. guys ruin lives... in more ways than one >_<"
4. am i really that smart or just fluking it?
5. i really, really, really wanna go on a holiday!!!
6. can't wait to dress up... Casino Royale style ^___^
7. the most random lyrics in the world...
Well come on, the way the time cold
I wanna be keeping you, worm
I got the right temperature
Fish hat, a ewe from the storm
Hola! Girl I got the right ant ticks to turn you on
Angola! Wanna be a papa? You can beat a mum... uh oh!!
whoever made this up is freakin' hilarious XD
btw, for those of u who can't figure it out, they're the [misheard] lyrics of Sean Paul's "Temperature"
watch the funni ass video at
8. tell me u're only like this 'cause u're being nice...
9. after all this time, why do i still care? why do i still worry about what u're doing?
10. i wish i could write all my probs onto a piece of paper, rip it up and let it all fly away... if only it were that simple...
11. why can't my life be more like a video game? if i stuff up, i could just reset it and start all over again...
12. really need to stop thinking so much...
13. let's go on a shopping spree!! haven't been on one in so long...
14. as much as i'm an easy target for all ur jokes, thanks for making me laugh and for the great company =P
15. need to get back into my cardio classes... stop being lazy >_<"
16. i always used to think u were emotionally retarded... i think it's contagious *sighs*
17. i'm in desperate need of pampering... waxing, manicure, massage, more foils, the works!!!
18. gotta stop trying to live in the past... it's in the past for a reason...
19. i wanna rearrange my room... and my life...
20. i wanna try and figure u out b4 it's too late...
21. i really do want something else to get me through this semi-charmed kinda life...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
200. My name is: Angie
199: I was born in : Brissy
198. I am a: loud, random, weird person =P
197. my cell phone company is: Optus
196. My eye color is: dark brown
195. My shoe size is: anywhere between 6.5 and 9 but mostly 7-8
194. My ring size is: somewhere near the middle or end of the alphabet... i think i've only had my ring size measured once
193. My hair colour is: black with red/violet/copper foils
192. My height is: 166cm when i last checked
191. I am allergic to: dust
190. I live in: Brissy
189. The last book I read: can't remember to be honest...
188. My bedtime is: around 1-2am these days... not good!!!
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is: they're all idiots
186. I am glad I'm me because: as much as i complain about my life, i do have it pretty good compared to a lotta pplz out there
185. It sucks that I'm me because: i'm my own worst critic and i'm too nice
184. If I could be anyone else for one day, I would probably be: any celebrity... wouldn't mind seeing what it's like to be rich and have everyone obsess about everything u do hehe
183. My celebrity dream date is: Johnny Depp ^______^
025. First piercing - ears
026. First best friend ? can't remember to be honest
027. First Award? can't remember that either
029. First pet - does goldfish count?
030. First vacation? can't remember
031. First Concert? - first major concert was p!nk i believe
032. First love? dunno to be honest
033. Movie ? Cruel Intentions, Pretty Woman, My Best Friend's Wedding, Bring it On, Zoolander, Love Undercover, Infernal Affairs, Mr and Mrs Smith, Pirates of the Caribbean series
034. Favorite tv show - The Simpsons, Friends, The OC, Scrubs, Futurama, The Chaser's War on Everything, Thank God You're Here, So You Think You Can Dance, etc etc
035. Color(s) - black, red and green
036. Music - most music R&B and alternative rock
037. Food - most things Chinese, Italian and Jap as well as sweets =)
038. Season - spring
039. Drink? lemon lime bitters, pearl milk tea, Gloria Jean's coffee
040. Body part not on the face (on a boy/girl) ? ummm... i'd say hands...
041. Sport To Play? badminton
042. Favorite peice of clothing ? dresses
043. Brand Of Clothing? i'm quite fond of Esprit, Country Road, Sportsgirl, Cooper St, FCUK etc etc
044. What do you sleep with? lotsa stuffed toys... i have Elmo, a ladybug, plush dog, Winnie the Pooh and Totoro
045. School? *shrugs* why would i have a fave school?! hehe
046. Animal(s)? dolphins and puppies
047. Books? i'll get back to u on that
048. Magazines ? Cosmo all the way
049. Eating? nothing
050. i'm drinking? water
052. i'm about to? go do my assignment after this survey... or i'll take a nap hehe
053. Listening to? Take a Bow - Rihanna
055. Waiting For? Ketty to reply to my SMS
056. Watching? the screen
057. Wearing? my PJ's and a jacket... cbb getting changed today hehe
Your Future
058. Want Kids? not sure yet
059. Want to Get Married? yeah, one day
060. Careers in Mind: solicitor practising in family law
Which is better with the Opposite Gender
068. Lips or Eyes? definitely eyes
069. Hugs or Kisses? depends on the person
070. Shorter or Taller? taller
071. Long Hair or Short? short but not too short
072. Romantic, or Spontaneous? both
073. nice stomach or nice arms? nice arms
074. Sensitive or Loud? sensitive
075. Hook-up or Relationship? relationship all the way
076. Sweet or Caring? in the long run, i'd say caring
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant? trouble makers tend to have more confidence
Have you ever
078. Kissed a Stranger? nope
079. Drank bubbles? nope
080. Lost glasses/contacts? nope
081. Ran Away From Home? nope
082. Broken a bone? nope
083. Got an X-ray? yeah
084. Broken Someone's Heart? i'm pretty sure i have
086. Turned Someone Down? yeah
087. Cried When Someone Died? yeah
088. Cried at school? i'm pretty sure i have
Do You Believe In
089. God? *shrugs*
090. Miracles? sometimes
091. Love at first sight? nope
092. Superstitions? depends
093. Aliens? nope
094. Magic? nope, only illusions
095. Heaven? dunno
096. Santa Claus? nope
097. Sex on the first date? nope
098. Kissing on the First Date? i used to but i've broken it with all the guys i used to go out with hehe
099. Angels? maybe i should... that's what my name means after all hehe
Answer Truthfully
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now - i'd be lying if i said no
101. Spell your first name backwards: eignA
102. Story behind your MSN name?
- o_O - | а и g Ζ § т а н | - O_o - = my online nickname for the past few yrs
she's like a Laos person =P = part of a convo i had with Will a couple of nites ago
why does everybody lie? the bad guys lie to get in ur bed... and the good guys lie to get in ur heart... = a quote that Brooke [Sophia Bush] says in One Tree Hill... she makes a good point i reckon
103. What month were you born in? September
104. Where do you live? Brissy
5. Wallet: it's a blue M!mco wallet even though it doesn't look like one from the outside... there's way too many cards in it and too little cash =(
8. Pillow cover right now: it's pink
9. Underwear: pink and white striped
10. Favorite Food: i think i answered this b4
11. Favorite place to hangout: anywhere besides home
12. Favorite shirt: probably my "too busy to fcuk" shirt
13. Time you usually wake up: 10am if i'm not rushing to uni or work
14. Cd in your stereo: one i burnt myself
15. Piercings: only ears
16. Wearing right now: i already answered this
17. Wishing for: all my exams and assignments to be over so i could relax
18. Wanting: to get out of my house
19. The last thing you ate: mee goreng and the last of my Krispy Kreme donuts
20. Something you are deathly afraid of: being alone
21. Do you like candles: yeah, especially nice scented ones
22. Do you like the taste of blood: not really
23. Do you believe in love: i'm a sucker for it
24. Do you believe in soul mates? dunno
25. Do you believe in God? i've answered this
26. What's something you wish you could understand better: guys and probably life in general
28. Still have feelings for anyone in past relationships?: i dunno
29. Do you ever want to know what it feels like to be in love? yeah
30. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friend? i don't have a fave possession and i don't believe in the concept of best friends
31. Where is your favorite place to shop?: Melbourne and HK!!!
32. What is your favorite thing to wear?: don't have a fave...
33. What for you is a must have accessory?: earrings but i'm getting lazy with those now
34. How much is the most you've ever spent in a single clothing store? more than $200
35. Who is the least fashionable person you know?: *shrugs* nobody i know
36. Do you match your belt with your hair color? nope
37. How many pairs of shoes do you own?: dunno to be honest... more than 10 at least
38. What is the worst trend you see today?: it was fluoro but i think that's outta fashion now so i dunno...
40. Do you do drugs?: nope
41. What are you listening to right now?: Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
42. Who was the last person that called you?: the last call i picked up was from Will
43. Where do you want to get married?: haven't thought that far yet... need someone to be married to first
44. How many buddies are online right now?: 36
45. What are essentials in your life?: my friends and family
46. Hair right now? it's down atm but i might tie it up soon
47. Mood: it's okies
48. What is your favorite color?: already answered
49. What would you rather be doing right now? anything besides doing my assignment
Monday, May 12, 2008
Short[ish] and sweet
gonna keep all my sentences in this blog short and sweet today 'cause i cbb writing a long essay of what i did like with my last blog and i'm sure i'd bore u guys out newayz hehe
i FINALLY watched Iron Man last nite!!

it was freakin' awesome... even watched the proper ending after the credits... thanks so much GY for taking me to see it... even after all the paying out about not having anyone to see it with hehe
i've been a bit PMSed lately... it's pretty hard to tell most of the time but when i'm at home, my feelings seem to be all outta whack... it sucks =(
spent 3 days straight working and it was actually quite fun despite the hustle and bustle... i've met a few of the newbies and they're quite nice... i enjoy the work atmosphere more now after more than 2 yrs working there hehe
it's fun messing with pplz's minds... after telling everyone i was engaged on MSN last week, i've been bombarded with msgs from pplz either congratulating me or telling me what a big idiot i am for getting engaged so early hehe
for those of u who dunno why i'm suddenly "engaged", it kinda sprang from a convo i had with CC last week... we were commenting about how pplz don't take their relationship statuses on facebook seriously so we figured we'd mess around by saying we were engaged... stay tuned... we'll probably be married soon =P
fave song of the moment: Elevator - Flo Rida feat. Timbaland "she's stuck on my ela-e-elevator"
man, that song is addictive!!! ^__^
a BBQ tomorrow, 21st on Fri, 21st on Sun and assignment due on Mon... i'm gonna be one busy girl this week!!!
okies, that's enough randomness from me today... have a good week everyone!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Best long weekend... EVER!!!

following lunch, i had a good catchup session with Kitty while we went shopping b4 leaving for QUT to meet up with the poker folks... poker was all well and good until i found out that my venue leader status is now ruined 'cause of Cam!! stupid turtling tactics on the final table hehe ur ass is mine this Fri!!!
after catching a free ride to the City thanks to Deeks, i headed to Viv's belated b'day party where we had the yummiest food... all i have to say is i'm glad i'm not allergic to seafood =) the b'day cake was really nice too!! took lotsa random photos that nite... here's a selection from GY's pro camera

after Viv's party, i met up with my new gambling buddy Khoi for some late nite casino-ing... wasn't such a great nite for me but Khoi somehow regained all his money that he lost PLUS won some money... i swear, he's the most hardcore gambler i know hehe
Sat started off with work for half the day, then a quick catchup with CC at the Myer Centre food court b4 going to Jobee's 21st... another AHS reunion!! i'm pretty sure Jobee's 21st ended up being the biggest AHS reunion i've been to so far... caught up with some of the pretty ladies i haven't seen in a little while... probably went a little silly on the dancefloor thanks to some of the drinks i had... most of which was water hehe thanks to CC, Jobee and Mimi for the photos!!

after a series of msging back and forth throughout the nite, my poker addict buddies managed to get me away from Jobee's 21st for a late poker nite [btw Jobee, if u're reading this, I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!!! i feel so bad =(]... played 2 rounds of poker and ended up not winning or losing any money... good thing is, i found my dress that i left at Cam's 21st... stupid idiot didn't even bother looking for me >_<"
Sun started off with another half day of work b4 bumming with GY around Indro and then heading to Taiki's place for his random gaming nite... played a round of Trauma Centre and i suck so bad at it... then played a round of Kabookii with Dave, CC and Taiki and i swear, that game is soooooooooo rigged!!! i was on the verge of winning and then Dave somehow racked up all these points and won >_<" then, it was a couple of hrs of Mario Kart on Wii... that game's quite fun even though i suck at racing games... i can see why it's so popular hehe after lotsa pizza eating and another round of poker [where i got my money back AGAIN], Taiki and i bummed a lift off Quinton to Bounce ^^
got to Mystique and the line was surprisingly not that long... after seeing all the BSA pplz while in the line, Taiki and i managed to score free entry thanks to Viv!! got into the club, went upstairs to suss the place out, had a couple of drinks and managed to see not 1, but 2 fights going on... it was actually pretty cool... Taiki and i kept going "fight, fight, fight, fight" hehe saw so many pplz throughout the nite and kept club hopping from Mystique to Planet and back... probably spent the majority of the time at Planet 'cause the music and atmosphere was better... nearly got stranded at the Valley when i found out at around 2:30am that our ride home had already left!! good thing he came back... thanks GY =) overall, one of the best clubbing experiences i've ever had... thanks to all the BSA crew for making Bounce the success that it was!! look forward to the next Bounce event hehe photos from Bounce r courtesy of Jaqui!!

that's it from me... more exciting adventures in store soon ^^