1. study for my PSYC2010 exam since the exam is on the first day back from holz
2. start [and hopefully finish] research for my LAWS3113 assignment
3. pay off my layby
4. go to the Andy Warhol exhibition and see what all the hype is about
5. get my hair cut and coloured
6. catch up with my girlfriends hopefully [if they're all free!!]
7. clean up my room
i only did 1, 4 and 6 >_<" maybe i was aiming too high when i decided i wanted to do all those things hehe my last few days of mid-sem holz were awesome!! in short...
1. i went to Cam's 21st and drank a little, played poker a little, ate a little and met some new pplz... i think his party was the one with the most alcoholic drinks and the least food hehe it was all good though... had a lotta fun and it gave me an excuse to drive for the first time this yr... thanks so much Ketty for letting me drive ur car and for trusting me with ur car and ur life hehe
2. i went to gym for the first time in 2 weeks... Cardio Funk rocks even if i look unco doing the moves!!!
3. i went to Andy Warhol with CC and i enjoyed every moment... made the most of all the interactive activities there... we both had our 15 secs of fame, played with cloud balloons and took lotsa photos hehe my personal fave...
4. i caught up with my girls throughout the week... whether we drank every alcoholic drink that wasn't beer, ate yummy chicken salad sandwiches, celebrated b'days, ate dinner on a budget, sang karaoke or stayed up all nite D&Ming, gossiping about guys or playing word games, i loved every single min with u all!! u girls r my angels =)
5. went to Lan's 21st which was the last of my 4 consecutive 21sts on a Sat nite... Lan, if u're reading this, i'm so, so sorry that i was so late to ur party... the food was really nice and the b'day cake was absolutely divine!! thanks for inviting me and i hope u liked all ur pressies!! and u looked absolutely beautiful... ur dress was so nice =)
in case u're wondering where the "black widow" thing came from, it's a nickname i got while i was playing APL poker last yr... at first, i thought of the nickname as a bit of a joke seeing as i've beaten quite a few guys at poker [no, i'm not implying that i'm a shark =P] and i wear black a lot but after thinking about it a bit more, i'm starting to believe there's a deeper meaning behind this name...
i had other things to blog about but maybe i'll save it for next time...