Lacking in ideas for a creative title for tonight's blog. Meh.
Figured I'd get my blogging on since I had a pretty cool day even though I didn't do a whole lot. Did a little study, took in the company of my darling niece [when she wasn't crying], enjoyed the fresh [but hella cold] air while watching 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' at King George Square and tried [but failed completely] at playing Wii games at Anne's brother's place.
Also finished off my nails with a little top coat. This is my colour of choice at the moment:
I think I had a run of good luck today. Firstly, both the teams I tipped for footy won. I also finally stopped playing the waiting game and found out the date of my special exam.
Wednesday 21st July at 8am.
HELL YEAH!!! I guess UQ's good to me after all by not getting in the way of my Sydney trip!!! Now I gotta make sure I don't get stuck in traffic AGAIN and that this trip is le awesome since I seem to be missing out on a fair few events. Why must everything fall on those few days?! *sighs*
I only have a few days left of holidays and I have to say, this is possibly the best holiday I've had. Despite it being cut short due to my special exam and doing 2 subjects at QUT this semester, it's been a blast. I never would have guessed that my holiday would be filled with such variety, such unexpected news and such a weird, twisted turn of events.
Looking back at what I wanted for the rest of this holiday:
~ Argentina didn't end up winning the World Cup but I guess I'm glad Germany didn't win either.
~ I got my special exam on the 21st of July. Now I just gotta ace it.
~ My finances are on its way back on track and the money is flowing in. Love it.
~ I got the marks I wanted pending what I get for this special exam.
~ My room isn't yet clean but I'm planning to get to it after I wake up.
~ Something unexpected did happen. And not just to me. Now just gotta wait and see how this situation works out. Stay tuned!!!
OK, better get some shut eye. There was a reason I didn't go clubbing tonight.
The title of today's blog serves 2 purposes:
1. To highlight that I'm actually recovering from my minor illness [Frick on a stick, I'm sick for the third time this year... it's a record!!!]
2. To let the world know that the new and improved me is back and better than ever!!!
So the title of today's blog [as are a lotta my blog titles] comes from a song by Gyroscope. Unlike the song, I don't owe my change in outlook to a single person in particular, but a few people who've put a lotta things into perspective for me. And for that, I'd like to say a few brief thank yous.
+ Thanks for being my kindred spirit. It's freakishly cool knowing that there's actually people out there who just get me and who I can just get.
+ Thanks for reminding me that it's OK to be emotionally vulnerable and that there's always a positive way of looking at a seemingly negative situation.
+ Thanks for not letting time ruin what an awesome bond we have.
+ Thanks for always saving me from myself and knowing the right things to say.
+ Thanks for just being you. It's good to know that some things don't ever change after all this time we've known each other.
+ Thanks for being a breath of fresh air and expanding my horizons. It's great to know that there are people out there who do live outside the square.
+ Thanks for listening and for looking out for me. We may not always see eye to eye about everything, but knowing you care and take time out for me is always appreciated.
On a related note, thanks to the encouragement of family and friends plus a bit of self-motivation, I've been trying to get my life re-sorted. I've already started by cleaning up my closet and bathroom [still got the lounge and bedroom to go] and trying to take regular walks. Once my financial situation is back on track, I can get around to sorting my money-related things like debts and finally saving up for a trip at the end of the year!! Don't worry, I have it all written down on my to-do list for the rest of 2010 =)
Would like to babble on some more but my attention span in writing blogs seems to get shorter and shorter at the years go by. I'll leave my dear readers with a recommended movie: 500 Days of Summer!!! Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while and quite a frontrunner as one of my fave films. Highly recommended for those who want a movie outta the ordinary and want a movie that actually speaks to reality and to the heart. Watch it!!! Do ittttttttttt *shakes fist*
So I'm into Week 2 of my holiday and I have to say so far, it's been HELLA AWESOME!! In the span of nearly 2 weeks, I've done the following [in no particular order]:
1. Gone clubbing [and in the midst of it, watched the Brazil-Portugal game]
Check me out... I'm a nerd!! And I'm drinking!!! *shock horror*
2. Watched 'Shrek 4' and 'Toy Story 3' in 3D. Feel like such a kid again.
3. I've drank chai tea [TWICE!!] at 3 Monkeys. Love love love that place.
4. Bought tickets to Owl City. It's not 'til November so I'm gonna cry if I end up having an exam that night.
5. Finally went to a football game and sat right at the 50m line. Great view and great atmosphere!! Would've been better if Broncos won though =( Stupid last min try!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Went to Ron Mueck and even got to check out parts of the Art Gallery. Love getting my art on.
Being tourists outside GOMA... love it!
7. Have watched more sports than you can poke a stick at. World Cup, rugby league, Wimbledon, you name it, I've probably watched it.
8. Caught up with a fair few of my friends.
Still so much to look forward to. Things are looking up for me!!
What will REALLY make my holiday is:
~ if Argentina win their game tonight. GO ARGENTINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ if I get my special exam on the 21st July.
~ if I can get my finances back on track.
~ if I get the marks I want on Wednesday.
~ if I can get my room clean. Like CLEAN.
~ if something unexpected happens. In a good way of course. Could do with a good twist of fate.
I'm on such a high right now. Might be 'cause I'm cranking 'Fireflies' by Owl City on repeat.