Sunday, August 29, 2010

Confessions of a bitchaholic

Hello, my name is Angie. And I'm a bitchaholic.

Over the years, I never thought of myself as very bitchy. Even though I went to an all girls' school and such, I always thought I turned out OK in the bitch department. Maybe I just compared myself to some REALLY bitchy people and just thought 'Yeah, I'm definitely not as bitchy as her. I'm fine'.

Lately, my cynical side has come back to haunt me and unleashed a big can of bitchass. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone recently with the stuff I've said or done. I'll make it up to you soon enough!! I'm a big believer in karma so if I've done wrong by you, tell me or I'm gonna be cursed for a while!!!

Anyway, onto other things, I FINISHED BRIDGE TO BRISBANE today!!! Go Team Mad Sea hehe

[M] inh
[A] ndrew
[D] avid

[S] andy
[E] dwin
[A] ngie

Definitely up for it again next year!!! Still can't believe I can walk 5km in less than an hour. I really need to go out walking more and get back to proper exercise. Whip this lazy ass into shape hehe

Also got to catch up with my girly girls today for a nice picnic in New Farm Park. Always a pleasure and always so much fun talking and laughing about each other, guys, everything!! Hoping we all get to catch up again soon and can't wait to see all the photos =)

Sleepy time, need more sleep!!! Note to self: less 4:30am sleep times, more 8+ hr sleeps.

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