Friday, April 10, 2009


It's been a long time in the making... I've finally gotten off my ass and revamped my blog!!! I kinda got sick of my very emo-looking blog and even though I reckon it really reflected my mood over the past year, I'm building a bridge and getting over it all =) So hopefully, we'll be seeing some happy, happy, joy, joy blogs from me in the future hehe

Long-time followers of my blog would've also noticed that I'm actually using capital letters, full stops and proper punctuation and spelling for once. What's up with that? Well, I figured since I'm a fifth year uni student, I should probably start sounding more professional, even in my blogs but of course, that won't stop me from using the occasional emoticon and 'hehe' you guys have all come to know and love =)

So what's been happening in my life lately? Not much to report sadly. I was swamped with doing clerkship applications and other uni crap last week so I was pretty anti-social. I'm pretty sure my clerkship applications could've been done better if I had an extra day to do them but meh, we'll see what happens. 1 rejection down, 4 to go...

This week has been a bit more social for me. I had my monthly catchup with my sis at uni on Tuesday, had sushi and went shopping with Kev followed by a great seafood platter dinner with Chi, Jason and Cam on Wednesday, then played poker with Ketty and Khang last night. Now that it's holidays, it'll be less socialising, more studying =( Stupid mid-sem exams... you ruined my holiday!!! I could've been camping right now but noooooooooooo, instead I'm stuck at home typing notes and re-listening to boring lectures *sighs*

This wasn't a particularly interesting blog this time around but I promise I'll make it better next time! This is a sneak-peek of what's to come:
1. My [hopefully] upcoming Sydney trip
2. My Easter holiday adventures [if I have any]
3. My footy tipping
4. Whatever other random stuff comes up =P

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