Been stalking my friends' blogs lately and I've noticed that most make their blogs more interesting by adding random photos here and there. I'm joining the bandwagon and will endeavour to add photos when I can between my boring lines of text.
In less exciting news, it's less than 12 hrs before my dreaded Corp Law exam. ZOMG, there is so much to read and so little time!!! *sighs* Below is the amount of notes I have to read for 4 weeks' worth of the course plus the amount of tabs [spammage much?] in my Corp legislation.

Can't get myself to read for long periods of time so I procrastinated by splurging a bit at JB Hifi and now I'm blogging and catching glimpses of the Broncos-Bulldogs and the Cowboys-Eels games. Could've been getting ready to go to Babyface now =(
Now that I'm watching the footy, I'm so devo at the Storm scandal. Although now that I properly think about it, I'm surprised the breach took so long to uncover. Just look at who's on the team!! Sif you'd be within the salary cap with players like Slater, Smith and Inglis. Oh well, I only hope that Melbourne try to make up for it with some solid games and hopefully Slater, Inglis, Smith and Cronk get picked for Origin.
On the bright side, can't wait for brekkie tomorrow!!! Plus it's long weekend too so I should probably make some plans. Any ideas?
I have an essay due on Monday.
Word limit: 1500-2000.
Number of words written: 0.
Screwed much?
Doesn't help that I'm sick as well. So convenient that I haven't been sick at all this year and as soon as I do, it's at a time when I really need to be well *sighs* Just gotta suck it up, build a bridge and get over it.
On the upside, I've been spending some quality time with some quality friends lately. My dearest CC came up for a visit over Easter and it was good to see her lovely face again. The Skype session was also a blast!! Can't wait to see you again my dear =) Also went to Anne's farewell over the weekend and I was glad I got to go 'cause I always seem to miss out on her other celebratory gatherings like her 21st and her graduation. I'm gonna miss you so much when you leave though =(
More fun times to come. About to head to my Japan group reunion for ramen ^__^ Hopefully that and a mah jong session will get me motivated to smash this assignment [in a good way].