1. Finished watching Love Battlefield [愛 作戰] and I'll keep in mind next time not to hype myself up so much about a movie. Movie was still good, but really shouldn't have read up on it beforehand. Should've let the movie just surprise me.
2. Come on Nov 2nd, come around so I can get a decent night's sleep again... 3. Printed tees ftw. I want more!!! 4. Note to self: HK movie marathon once I finish exams. Or maybe after the 2nd. 5. Feels like everyone's moving forward and I'm still stuck in a rut. SIGH. 6. Still cursed or has it been lifted? Only time will tell... 7. Thanks for the pep talk. Lotsa 'woo hoo's' and fist pumping to be had in the next couple of weeks. 8. Why are you guys talking to me all of a sudden? It kinda weirds me out. 9. 'Life is what our thoughts make it.' - Marcus Aurelius. Well said. 10. Congrats on your first successful charity event. So glad to be a part of it!! 11. Should stop hanging out with guys in dark places in the middle of the night. 12. Holiday or no holiday? PLT with study or job with study? QUT or Griffith PLT? Ahhh... too much freakin' choice. ><" 13. I wish for love in the coming year. To immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. If my wish is granted and if having that is tragic, then give me tragedy. Wise words indeed, Peyton. 14. Bah, cramped exam timetables don't help motivate study at all... 15. Why am I thinking about you again all of a sudden? Another momentary lapse? 16. Awesome catchup ladies. More karaoke fun and stuffing ourselves with food and drinks soon!! 17. Weird how I'm put off reading my notes but I really wanna read a book right now. 18. New nail colour. Love it love it love it. 19. I don't ever wanna feel like I did that day, Take me to the place I love, take me all the way...
20. The world's moving too fast for me. Slow down so I can catch up. 21. I am so getting my hip hop and skipping on once I finish exams. Feel so fattttttttttttttt. 22. Am also pampering myself once the exams finish. New haircut and colour also needed. 23. As the years look past us, If we lose track or lose the fight, I will search foreverto find a way back to tonight...
The hellish month of October has begun. Many, many, many lecture recordings to listen to [I dunno the exact number and I don't want to for fear of not being able to finish them all in time]. A whole month of stress, anti-socialness, many sleeps full of worry, many cups of coffee and Red Bull drank and who knows what else.
And why am I fully hermiting and working my ass off? Dunno. It just doesn't seem worth it in the end. =(
First, I gotta get this dumb seminar outta the way. Pray that I don't fall asleep halfway through it or end up saying something stupid.
1. Amazing still it seems, I'll be 23 I won't always love what I'll never have I won't always live in my regrets...
2. What a sucky b'day this year. Damn you assignments!!! 3. Board game addiction. Want. Board. Games. 4. Worst day ever. Not even the 24th year yet either. SIGH. 5. Anger. Disappointment. Resentment. Sadness. You name it, I probably feel it. 6. So sucky how you're such a great person and they don't see it. Their loss. 7.Been there, done that, messed around I'm having fun, don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet... 8. You probably have a good explanation but it's so hard to give you the benefit of the doubt right now. 9. Thanks to all who have listened. Hope I never have to vent like that again. 10. Thanks everyone, love the pressies!!! 11. Sorry if it feels like you're in the middle of all this. I'll build a bridge and get over it soon. 12. Why all the awkwardness? Why can't we all get along anymore? 13. Getting my creative on is fun. 14. I'm bringing sentimentality back. YEAH. 15. Damn, I need a wardrobe update. 16. Catch up catch up catch up time. Friends, uni, TV shows, everything!!! 17. I want my own entourage. 18. Sudden urge to play poker again. 19. Bah, unrequited crushes suck. 20. Go Dragons! Don't fail me now. 21. Hang in there dear. With what you've gone through this year, things have to look up for you from now on. I'll make sure of it. 22. Must blog more. Like seriously. 23.Gotta start lookin' at the hand of the time we've been given here This is all we got and we gotta start thinkin' If every second counts on a clock that's tickin' gotta live like we're dying...